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0117 457 6000
Give £50 credit to a friend,
Get £50 credit back.
If you have travelled with Heidi before, you can refer friends and give them free credit. And as a thanks, we’ll give you some credit when they book.
How to give and get free holiday credit:
1. Sign into your Heidi account using the email address
you used to book a previous trip
2. Share your unique referral link with a friend
3. Your friend uses your link to create an account with Heidi
4. We’ll pop £50 credit in their account to be spent on a Heidi holiday
5. Your friend uses the credit to book a holiday
6. You then get £50 credit added to your account


Can I refer a friend if I have not booked with Heidi?
What if I wasn't the 'lead booker' on a previous holiday, but I'd like to recommend a friend?
How do I see how much credit I have?
How do I spend my credit?
How much credit am I able to earn?
How long do I have to use my credit?
What happens if I need to cancel my holiday?
How do I check the amount of credit I have earnt?
What should I do if I am having issues with my Refer a Friend credit?

If you have any questions, please call us on 0117 457 6000 or email us at [email protected].

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